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The 15th Annual Round the Bay Relay and Ultra is set for Saturday, December 27, 2025 so go ahead and put it on your calendar!! Ultra registration begins on Tuesday, July 1, 2025and Relay registration will begin on August 1, 2025.
The 2024 Round the Bay Relay and Ultra is in the books. Forty-five ultra runners and 36 relay teams started the race on a rainy morning. Overall, 325 runners participated in the event. Results can be found on the results page. Ultra runners from ten states signed up.
The Bloody Mary Run on Sunday morning had another 20 runners stretching the legs on the beach before enjoying the festivities. The 2025 race is set for Saturday, December 27, 2025 and will be a quick turnaround from Christmas to race day. There are a couple of new changes to the race as we are pursuing a race app that will track the course and using the new bike trail on the opposite side of the road for the first five miles. Ultra runner info will be sent out June 1st and Relay info on September 1st. Thanks to everyone that participated or volunteered as the Round The Bay Relay and Ultra continues to be an exciting day for that are involved. Ten days away!!!!
* Active.com (relay) and ultrasignup (Ultra) will close on Tuesday, December 24. * Ultra is almost full. Contact me if ultrasign shuts down registration due to capacity. * Packet pickup this Saturday, Dec. 21 at Buffalo Wild Wings at Uptown Station in FWB. I plan to be there by 7:30 AM for the 9:00 AM race. I will also be there after the race. * The packet pickup at Select Physical Therapy in Niceville has been CANCELLED. * Packet pickup is Friday, December 27th at The Island Resort from 4:00 PM -7:00 PM in the lobby. * Ten-day weather outlook has warm temps, some humidity and a small chance of rain. * A map of the Brooks Bridge Construction area will be emailed to each team captain and ultra runners. The course change includes moving to the right side of Perry for the last block before Highway 98. We will cross 98 at the redlight (right side), turn left and run on the path beside highway 98 on the south/right side of the bridge. Once you leave the bridge, stay on the right side of 98 until the second red light at the Gulfarium. Using the light. cross 98 back to the north side (The Elks Lodge side) and finish at the Elks Lodge. * Let me know if you have any questions and thanks for registering for the race!!! We are three weeks away, shirts have been ordered and the team and ultra registrations are rolling in. We will take entries until race week so you still have some time to sign up or end them in. If you need to register after Active.com and ultrasignup have closed, contact me at [email protected].
For the locals, I will be in attendance at the Reindeer Dash at AJ's on the Bayou in FWB on Saturday, December 14. I will also be at the Egg Nog Jog (Buffalo Wild Wings in FWB) on Saturday, December 21 and will have packets that can be picked up by the team captains. We are six weeks away from the race and the entries are pouring in. We have 28 ultra runners already registered so it looks like we will have a record number this year.
For the locals that wish to hand me their registrations: * I will be at the Recycle Run packet pickup on November 27 from 4:00-6:00 at Run With It in FWB. * I will be at the Recycle Race on Thanksgiving morning which will be held at Ferry Park (new course) this year. 8:00 AM start. * I plan to be at the Reindeer Dash on Saturday, December 9th at AJ's on the Bayou ion FWB. *I plan to be at the Egg Nog Jog on Saturday, December 16th and should have race bags ready to be picked up by the team captains. The race is at Buffalo Wild Wings in FWB. ** The race shirts, bright as always, will be ordered at the end of this week, so it's time to get registered to ensure a shirt and in the correct size. Good morning.
* I enjoyed seeing many of you at the WTF races this past weekend. *We are off to a good start with five relay teams and 17 ultra runners already registered. * I have attached the 2024 registration form for RELAY TEAMS. A quick reminder, if you have more than 10 runners, use a second form to add the names. You can have as many as you wish on the team, but all team members will have to pay the registration fee. *At this time, I plan to attend the Recycle Run in FWB on Thanksgiving morning, the Reindeer Run in FWB on December 14, and the Egg Nog Jog in FWB on December 21 if you wish to turn in a registration form and money. *We should start passing out race packets to the team leaders at the Egg Nog Jog and later that day at Physical Select Therapy in Niceville. *If you plan to enter a team, email or text me so I can save you a slot. SAVE THE DATE: Saturday, December 28, 2024 Start/Finish- Elks Lodge on Okaloosa Island (no change) Entry Fee Relay : $35 per relay runner, $5 off for track club members (no change) Entry Fee: Ultra: $55 per ultra runner, $5 off for NWFTC members (no change) Late Fee: $10 after Saturday, December 14, 2024. Relay Registration- www.active.com Ultra Registration- www.ultrasignup.com Host Hotel- The Island Resort (no change) The cutoff date for the discounted room rates is November 27th. We already have a good group that has secured a room. For all race information: www.roundthebayrelayandultra.com Please spread the word and pass this on to anyone that you think might be interested. Feel free to put this on any social media that connects runners. T-shirts for the first 300 to register. Disclaimer: There may be issues with the Brooks Bridge Construction Zone in FWB. We are working with the entities involved to make sure we have a safe solution. Looking forward to another great Round the Bay Relay and Ultra!!!! Registration has opened for the 2024 Round the Bay Ultra race. You may register at www.ultrasignup.com . Relay registration will begin August 1, 2024 on www.active.com.
Race schedule has been set. Friday, December 27, 2024 - Packet Pickup from 4:30-7:00 at The Island Resort. Saturday, December 28, 2024- Round the Bay Relay and Ultra. Sunday, December 29, 2024- RTB Bloody Mary Beach Recovery Run at the Island Resort beginning at 9:00 AM. Contact the race director at [email protected] for any questions. The 13th Annual Round the Bay Relay and Ultra is in the books!! Thirty-three ultra runners completed the 36.8-mile course and 37 teams with a combined 300 runners completed the relay. I want to thank our sponsors, volunteers and participants for an outstanding race day. Profits from this race are used by the Northwest Florida Track Club to support local high school cross-country teams along with a high school shoe fund for runners with financial needs. The website has been tentatively updated for the 2024 race. Complete race results will be added soon. Once again, thanks to all who helped make this the outstanding race that everyone enjoys.
Special Props to: The Elks Lodge and Dave Miller. Select Physical Therapy Billie Adams- food B.T. Turner- music Brian McMahon- permits and results Bay Area Awards- race towels Gearforraces.com - race shirts and visors The Island Hotel and Jackie Blue UnitedHealthCare Joe Zarzaur Law Firm Bodyworks by Bull Run With It and K.L., J.H., V.O. and especially my wife and family!!!! See you in 2024!!! It's race week!! The weather forecast calls for temperatures in the 30's Saturday morning. Be prepared!!!
PACKET PICKUP- FRINDAY, DECEMBER 29 FROM 4:30-7:00 pm AT THE ISLAND RESORT. RACE DAY- SATURDAY, DECMEBR 30TH BLOODY MARY RECOVER RUN- SUNDAY, DECEMBER 31ST AT 9:00 AM AT THE ISLAND RESORT. Race day is less than three weeks away and things are shaping up for the race. There are over 30 ULTRA runners and 200 plus RELAY runners registered. The race SWAG is here, and the team relay bags are ready to be distributed. Price increase/late fee for both races begin Sunday, December 17th.
I will attend the EGG NOG JOG on Saturday, December 23rd to pass out team bags to the captains of each team. Individual runners will need to get their swag from their captain. Packet Pickup is set for Friday, December 29th at The Island Hotel from 4:30-7:00 PM. Race morning begins early at The Elks Lodge with the first ULTRA runners starting at 3:00 AM. Relay teams starting slots begin at 6:00. The goal is to have all runners, both relay and ultra, to finish at 12:45 when the finish line closes. Team starting times and race safety notes will be emailed to the team captains the week of the race. All runners must sign the Race Disclaimer prior to participating in the race. If you have any questions, contact the race director at [email protected] and yes, there are still shirts available and time to register!!! |
AuthorThe Round the Bay Relay and Ultra Blog is hosted by event founder and coordinator, Dennis Samac. Archives
January 2025
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